- Viral hepatitis is most common in poor ,unhygienic , malnourished pregnant ladies
- 6 major types: Hepatitis -A,B,C,D,E,G
- All are RNA viruses except Hepatitis -B which is DNA virus
- Complications for mother : Increase severe bleeding immediately after delivery (PostPartumHaemorrhage ),Coma ,Blood Coagulopathy, Infection , Hepatorenal syndrome,Maternal death
- Complications to fetus: Abortions, Abnormal babies, Delivery of fetus with out completing full term , Fetal death in utero.
- Hospitalisation
- Bed rest
- Isolation of the infected patient
- High Calories ,Rich Carbohydrates food
- Proteins to be given adequate quantity
- Proper Hygiene ,Safe water ,Safe food is must
- .Disposable syringe/Gloves are advised for paramedical staff to prevent contamination , infection from patient to others
- Glucose , fruit juice ,tender coconut water, etc Liquids to be given plenty
- Antibiotics,those donot give overload on liver
- Fatty food may harm jaundice patient but not proved much
- Drugs which cause liver toxicity should be avoided
- lactulose-Osmatic laxative can be given daily to clear bowel fecal contest
- Mother to be taken Active Immunization at 0 day , 1month ,6 months -If mother is not infective clear cut way
- Immunoglobulins are safe in pregnancy.Hepatitis vaccines are also safe during pregnancy
- Regular Blood tests
- Blood /fresh frozen plasma
- Vit-K 5mg IM -Increase PT-Helpful
- No Role of Termination of pregnancy_canot change final result or mortality of mother.
- Inj Ergometrine Immediately after delivey of baby to prevent post partum haemorrhage.
- Baby of jaundice infected mother should be recived active and passive immunisation immediately after birth.
- No contra indication to breast feeding feeding
- All women should be recieved Hepatitis vaccine six months prior to pregnancy.
- Husband also has to be tested and treated or vaccinated for hepatitis